Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fa la la la FALL

Oh how I love this time of year. I have been looking forward to it since, well, last year about this time. I just love how when you're just totally sick of summer there will be this one cool night towards the end of September that will remind you that fall really is coming again. We are into the cool-ish days and definitely cool nights and I. LOVE. IT. I love jeans and boots and hoodie sweatshirts and decorating my house with pretty mums and pumpkins. I love the pumpkin dip I can't get enough of and just that "crisp" feeling in the air. Weird, I know.

I am totally a Christmas junkie and the thought of decorating my house for Christmas makes me so happy...but for now, I'm going to pretend like Christmas isn't sneaking up on us waiting to take all the glory for this wonderful feeling I have. Because somewhere in the world someone just ordered a pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks...and I swear the angels sang. Maybe just a little....

Happy Fall Y'All!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So here's the thing. I love to blog. No, seriously. I really do. In fact, almost every day of the last couple of weeks I've thought about "hopping on here" and saying something...ANYTHING. But then I start to freak a little and think that there's really nothing to say. I mean, nothing anyone would care to read anyway. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who remembers that I used to write here so I'm going to have to remind everybody to come look for me every so often. Aaaaand now I'm depressed.

See what I mean? I feel defeated even before I try. Story of my life. I HATE that I feel that way about myself. I mean, seriously, I can cheer on ANYBODY but when it comes to ME I so often have a "Why bother" attitude. WHY? Ughh...self searching. And as I always say..."That's awholenother Oprah show! (yeah, that doesn't sound right if you say it all stuffy and...well, correct. If you say "That's another whole Oprah show" it sounds too fussy. Saying "That's another Oprah Show doesn't quite grasp the importance or depth of the situation. A-whole-nother fits just right...don't ya think?)

So last weekend was just about perfect. Busy but sooooo fun. We had our 10 year class reunion!! We have been planning since MAY. We worked really hard, but lemme tell ya.....that was some fun work. I swear every time the committee got together I laughed until I cried. No joke.
It was: me,
Lindsay (my bestie),
Brooke (my old bestie who is back again...soo happy!),
Amy Autry Jackson (who sat beside be on every single stinkin Marching Band bus e-v-e-r for 4 years and was my band partner-in-crime),
Matt Raymes (known him since joke),
Jeremy Autry (who was the hottie in high school. Still is. I like him so much more now than I did then...I think 'cause I was completely intimidated by him...),
Jessica Peterson Teague(homeroom/band buddy)
and Brian Fulcher (wild, crazy party boy. And that's just now...he was a professional back in high school...)
So fun. Anyway, we weren't quite sure how it all would go but honestly it went so so great. So much better than I thought. We went to the homecoming game Friday night, played at a park for a small cookout with everybody's kids on Saturday morning and then the dinner on Saturday night wehre we had about 60 people to come. Maybe 35 or 40 of those were alumni. It's such a trip to see people after all these years. Some people looked exactly the same. Some people looked a lot better (helllloooo new boobs!). Some people I had totally forgotten about but am so happy to have reconnected with. James even had a blast. In fact, at one point, Mr. Southview himself said, "Gosh, I wish I had gone to Cape Fear!" That's right, baby. Welcome to God's country.... (pictures to come soon. I hope.)

Also in the past few weeks we have hung out with a big group of friends that I have come to love so dearly. It's us and 3 other couples (4 if you count Kramer and Crystal) and we just have the best time together. So thankful for all of them and for the Lord giving us an outlet through them. They are all friends from church but are also "real people" who we can be our regular not-always-Sunday-morning-best-selves with. I hate even saying that because who we are on Sunday mornings IS who we are...but you know what I mean. People we can let down with and who don't expect us to have it all together all the time. People we're allowed to be real with and love the Lord together. It's very nice. We are all anxiously awaiting Baby Wellons to come (any day now!!!) so that we will FINALLY know whether to buy everything pink and monogrammed or everything red, black and cammo. :)

So...ummm..yeah. That's all for now. I realize it's a lot of nothing...but I guess even just contentedness is something to talk about. :)

p.s. I can't even talk about the fact that my baby will be 2 in a few weeks. Nope. Not even gonna mention it. Sniff.


About Me

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I am a wife to a very hansome husband and a mom to a gorgeous little girl. I love deeply and am fiercely loyal. I love the Lord and am in the place in my life where He is more real to me than ever. I'm very involved in church and love my crazy, hectic, non-stop life!