Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I cannot cannot cannot believe how quickly time flies. I remember as a kid thinking that it was FOREVER until Christmas came and the months of summer vacation seemed endless. Even the idea of an entire school year seemed insurmountable. Yet here we are at the close of another year, MY SIXTH YEAR (holy cow), and it feels like it just began. I guess time has always gone by quickly. I mean, High School seemed like a blur and we are now in the throes of planning our ten year reunion (yikes.) But I think once you have a baby time goes by in like, warp speed.

My sweet baby girl has hit a growth spurt. She has nine teeth (and is working on a few more judging from the fist-eating going on) and is suddenly Miss Independent. Her favorite word is "No!" and has recently learned "Mine!" much to the chagrin of anyone who would dare try and remove something from her super-human death grip. I have prayed for her to be bold and strong but never imagined I'd have a full-fledged daredevil on my hands! She is so not afraid of ANYTHING! We took her to the park beside Mema Sue and Papa Buster's house last week and she went down the little baby slide BY HERSELF. So Daddy decided maybe she'd like to try the BIG slide. I was very nervous but here comes my sweet baby girl barreling down that tube grinning to beat the band. She did it two or three times alone, once with Daddy, once with Mommy laughing the whole time. Tuesday night when Mommy felt the WORST...fever and all...Daddy and MeMa took her back to the big girl slide. When asked if she wanted to try it herself, Abby's Daddy let her climb up those big steps and get to the top just knowing she'd sit down on that cute little hiney and barrel down. Not AbbyDangerous. No sirree. She threw her hands down and came down that slide HEAD FIRST!!! Those big eyes got a little bigger I think but she did it!

We spent some time this weekend at my Mom and Dad's and the P-O-O-L (which was fffffrrrrreeezzzing). Abby was a little timid on Saturday content to sit on the first step and splash away. By yesterday afternoon she was swimming all around and her favorite game was to be held by her fingers and "dropped" in the pool to about chest level and quickly raised back up again. Laughing the whole time.

Yeah, time totally goes by too fast. Where is my precious sleeping baby girl? Where are those newborn cries? Oh how I miss holding that bundled baby with the peach fuzz hair against my face. But I wouldn't trade one second of my AbbyDangerous seeing her grow and learn new things every day. Being fearless and brave. And hearing her say "Whe Mama?" with those chubby hands raised? Or hearing "Bye Bye Mama. I dooo." Oh, how I love you too, baby girl. My sweet Abby. Dangerous or no.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness.

    why does time go by so fast? why don't i get to see you as much as i want to? why is your little girl so amazingly adorable and growing up way too fast?

    love you.



About Me

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I am a wife to a very hansome husband and a mom to a gorgeous little girl. I love deeply and am fiercely loyal. I love the Lord and am in the place in my life where He is more real to me than ever. I'm very involved in church and love my crazy, hectic, non-stop life!